Answer the Call with Emily Gallagher

Are you ready to get clear on your purpose and build your business?

Episode Summary

We've all heard a lot about finding your purpose, yet how many of us really feel like we are living it? Maybe you've been getting signs from life that you're not on track (hint, they can be things you're so used to you think they're normal, like anxiety, overwhelm, depression). Perhaps this time at home, has made you see you want to live your life with more freedom and alignment? Wherever you're at, there's no debating that all of us want to live a life on our terms, and get paid well for it. To start making that vision a reality, join Emily & Erica Carrico as they chat about how you can do that. Erica, is a cancer surviving, young mum, who just won International coach of the year, and supports clients in stepping into their purpose, and being paid well for it.

Episode Notes


Awaken Your Purpose program

Use code 'EmilyG' to get access to Conscious Boss Bootcamp & Step up to 6 Figures program FREE (Over $3000 value)

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Gail Larsen; Original medicine, Transformational speaking training